
Language, order, gods, wisdom, sounds, speech, thoughts, messages, knowledge, learning, inspiration

This rune corresponds with the letter A.

Element: Air
Planet: Venus
Deity: Odin
Gemstone: Emerald
Tree: Ash
Tarot: Death

The rune Ansuz represents the cardinal direction of North. In Norse mythology, if you were to ask someone to point to the realm of the Gods, they would not point up as many do today. They would point directly North, to the Gods, to Odin.

Odin was seen as the source of language and wisdom. In the Eddas, it is said that Odin traveled to the Tree of Mimir and sacrificed an eye in order to receive all the wisodm of the Universe. It was this wisdom that drove him to hang from the great World Tree, and in the process, discovering the Runes and their meanings. It is Odin who gave the gift of Runes to our Ancestors so that we may better understand the tapestry of life.

Ansuz represents the breath of creation, the stability of logic and intellectual pursuits, and the synchronistic patterns of the world around us. When this rune appears in a reading, it is urging you to listen to your intuition. The Gods often speak to us through the feeling in our gut more than the words in our heads.

This is the most common modern interpretation of each rune in the Elder Futhark version of the alphabet. Visit to see all the runes and their meanings.