Scrying is a form of divination where one meditates on the representation of an element and attempts to ascertain information from the images seen within the various element. Select the element that speaks to you the most.

Scrying with water is best done in a crystal or reflective metal bowl filled with Moon or Rose Water. Seek images in the patterns of light reflected in the still waters. Another option is to meditate and astrally project yourself into the bowl, allowing the waters of time to take you where you need to be. If you are lucky enough to live near a large body of water, you may be able to scry images in light reflecting off of the waves.

Fire scrying can be done anywhere you find an open flame. Images can be seen in the flicker of a candle flame as easily as in the dance of a roaring bonfire. Some find it easier to see the message when they watch the dying embers after the flame has gone out. Always be safe when using fire magic, keeping a fire extinguisher on hand for emergencies. If you are unable to light a fire where you are, the candle meditation described here can be used to manifest a mental candle flame that is just as effective.

The two most common ways to use the element of Air in scrying divination are Cloud and Smoke. Shamans for centuries have sought knowledge by watching the shapes and patterns in the sky above them. Sadly, human pollution has obscured the view for many people who live in urban or industrial areas. It is in this case that we turn to incense for its Smoke and seek knowledge in much the same manner.

While Rune Stones are an effective form of divination, it is the Reading of Tea Leaves that I want to discuss as an effective Earth based method. Thousands of books have been written on the subject, documenting various shapes and their meanings. These meanings can sometimes vary based on culture, so be aware of the sources when purchasing reference material.

The Ether, or the Soul Element, is the least commonly used form of divination in the Western world today as it is considered taboo in many societies. The sacrifice of living animals for divination and manifestation purposes was long seen as the most potent, and is still used by cultures in other parts of the world, including the Ifawale living oracle tradition of the Orisha of Africa. It is their belief that these acts help maintain the balance in the world.