About Us

Slightly Spiritual is a lifestyle brand designed to bring religious and mythological iconography to every day use items. I founded SlightlySpiritual.net in 2020, amid the COVID-19 pandemic and its subsequent lockdown. With an abundance of both time and art supplies, it seemed like a logical course of action.

I began studying religions and mythologies from around the world in my early teens. In that time, I developed a deep connection to the spiritual side of life but was forced to hide it for several decades to avoid religious persecution. As each year passes, I see more and more people “coming out of the broom closet,” so to speak, and it has given me the courage to finally be open and honest without looking over my shoulder.

The products I make all come from the heart. Each one is infused with the best of intentions for the individual that it goes to. I don’t create hexes or curses because I feel there is already enough of that in this world. There is no light without darkness, no yang without yin. My aim is to help people get through the darkness by offering a touch of light.

The Free Library contains articles with information and reference links on all of the spiritual, magical, and medicinal meanings I attribute to my products. It also doubles as a grimoire or Book of Shadows, a collection of the esoteric knowledge I have collected over the years. As I write this, I have only begun to transcribe it all. I update the website as close to weekly as possible, but even then I fear it may take a lifetime to write it all. I also include reference links to other creators who talk more on each topic in an easy to understand format.

While I do extensive research on all products, these items are not currently tested by the Food and Drug Administration. Resource links have been provided on all necessary articles. The most common reference material used is the Physicians Desk Reference for Herbal Medicines. However, these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All products and information on the website are for recreational purposes only. Please consult a physician before adopting any regular dietary or supplemental changes.

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