tarot rune bar

Upright Meaning:

Keywords: Opportunity, promise, faith, fulfillment, optimism, vulnerability, success, balance, well-being

Star light, star bright, bring hope and peace tonight. The Star card is a bright light of optimism after a period of dark times. If anything is certain in the Universe, it is that all things change. The Star card signifies a time when things are changing for the better.

This is a time of healing, both in the physical aspects and the spiritual ones. The Star card urges you to clearly visualize the future you wish to manifest, while taking practical steps to create that future.

This card could signify a message from the stars. Look to astrology for a message from the Universe.

Reversed Meaning:

Keywords: Pessimism, depression, hopelessness, unethical healer, fear

The Star appears reversed in a reading when it seems that all is lost. You may have lost hope, or hope may seem like all you have left right now.

When this card appears in a reading, it is time to take action. All the positive words in the world cannot make the same amount of progress and change as putting those words into action.

The Star reversed reminds us to beware false healers. Snake oil salesmen will always be quick to offer pretty words to hide their lack of ability.

More about the card:

Card Type: Major Arcana
Element: Air
Number: 8
Zodiac: Aquarius
Chakras: Sacral, Crown
Colors: Blue, Green, Yellow, Beige
Runes: Kenaz, Wunjo, Laguz
Crystals: Turquoise, Moldavite, Sugilite, Tektite
Symbols: Bird, Cup, Garden, Nudity, Mountain, Pool, Star

tarot rune bar

All tarot images are from the Fenestra Deck, by Chatriya and can be found on https://www.usgamesinc.com/Fenestra-Tarot.html along with many more tarot, oracle, and divination card decks and rune sets.

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