tarot rune bar

Upright Meaning:

Keywords: Chaos, destruction, change, revolution, questioning beliefs, rebuilding

Hold on to your hats, boys and girls, because the Tower is here to shake things up! This is a card of drastic change, then end of the world as you previously knew it and the beginning of something completely different.

This could manifest as an extreme event in your life, such as trauma, disaster, or pregnancy. The Tower could be telling you to start making plans and saving money, just in case of emergency.

The Tower could also be advising you to be the cause of this drastic change. Break out of your comfort zone and explore the possibilities.

Reversed Meaning:

Keywords: Warning, mounting pressure, disaster averted, ongoing chaos

If the Tower represents disaster, the Tower reversed symbolizes the opportunity to narrowly dodge that crisis, or lessen the damage.

This could manifest as a small, unexpected emergency that prepares you to avoid a much worse event later on. Be aware to learn as much as you can from these events to prevent future disaster as well.

Alternatively, the Tower could appear reversed during a time of great stress. In this case, the card appears as a warning to get help and make changes before the stress overwhelms you completely. Take a break, step away, and shake things up to prevent long term damage.

More about the card:

Card Type: Major Arcana
Element: Fire
Number: 7
Zodiac: Mars
Chakras: Root, Third Eye
Colors: Black, Grey, Red, Yellow
Runes: Thurisaz, Kenaz, Hagalaz
Crystals: Obsidian, Garnet, Hematite, Ruby, Magnetite, Chrysocolla
Symbols: Crown, Mountain, Tower, Flame, Lightning, Cloud, Yod

tarot rune bar

All tarot images are from the Fenestra Deck, by Chatriya and can be found on https://www.usgamesinc.com/Fenestra-Tarot.html along with many more tarot, oracle, and divination card decks and rune sets.

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