tarot rune bar

Upright Meaning:

Keywords: Affirmation, health, joy, playfulness, energy, optimism, clarity, success, birth, happiness, health, inner child, enthusiasm, self-acceptance

The Sun card takes after it’s celestial namesake, shining a light on the situation at hand. When answering a question, this card is a definite YES!

Now is the time to step out into your own spotlight and celebrate all you have accomplished. Let this bolster your confidence as you move forward, but make sure it comes from a place of authenticity.

The Sun card also appears when there is an auspicious or “blessed” birth.

Reversed Meaning:

Keywords: Painful truth, bad weather, burnout, too serious, attention seeking

The Sun appears reversed in a reading when something has dimmed your light, either due to internal or external forces. Still positive, but muted.

This can often manifest as a difficulty with “being in the spotlight” or even simply accepting well earned praise. Alternatively, you could be experiencing too much and are nearing burnout. The Sun reversed encourages us to find a healthy balance between care for ourselves and care for others.

Additionally, this card sometimes appears when there is a lack of the clarity of the upright Sun. Beware of deception, either from others or from within.

More about the card:

Card Type: Major Arcana
Element: Fire
Number: 1, 10
Planet: Sun
Chakras: Sacral, Third Eye
Colors: White, Yellow, Beige, Orange
Runes: Dagaz, Jera, Sowilo, Wunjo
Crystals: Amber, bloodstone, Diamond, Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye
Symbols: Child, Sun, Horse, Sunflower, Wall

tarot rune bar

All tarot images are from the Fenestra Deck, by Chatriya and can be found on https://www.usgamesinc.com/Fenestra-Tarot.html along with many more tarot, oracle, and divination card decks and rune sets.

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