tarot rune bar

Upright Meaning:

Keywords: Imagination, the shadow self, intuition, fear, confusion, illusion, deception, the unconscious, darkness, reflection, fear, subconscious, dreams

The Moon is the card of dreams and intuition. When this card appears in a reading, it is time to listen to the quiet voice within.

This is also a card of cycles: Moon, menstrual, seasonal, but also personal and interpersonal cycles. This could signal the start or the end of an important cycle in your life.

Much like the Moon hides her face half the month, The Moon card often appears when there is something that you need to keep hidden for now.

Reversed Meaning:

Keywords: Confusion, denial, instability, repressed emotions, projection

Much like the real moon, a reversed Moon card shines light into the dark places we fear. When this card appears, an unpleasant truth is usually being avoided.

While this may make things easy to handle for a time, it will only make things worse later one. The Moon reverse encourages you to step out of your comfort zone.

The Moon may also refer to mental health issues that could skew perceptions of reality.

More about the card:

Card Type: Major Arcana
Element: Water
Number: 9
Zodiac: Pisces
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown
Colors: Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow
Runes: Laguz, Pertho, Hagalaz
Crystals: Selenite, Moonstaone, Labradorite
Symbols: Dog, Wolf, Path, Crawfish, Yod, Tower, Pool, Mountain, Moon

tarot rune bar

All tarot images are from the Fenestra Deck, by Chatriya and can be found on https://www.usgamesinc.com/Fenestra-Tarot.html along with many more tarot, oracle, and divination card decks and rune sets.

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